Brain - From The Perspective Of Neuroscience

Our behaviour derives from the traits we inherit from our parents. This is half true as human brains are individual living creatures influenced by...
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"All the experiences in your life - from a single conversation to your broader culture - shape the microscopic details of your brain." 

Neurology is a study of the brain which links with psychology. With neuroscience, it's easy to solve psychological problems. In this article, you'll get the answers to all the dilemmas.

"The more you get involved with the sorrows you will make your brain perform weaker in all the aspects of life."

Who you are depends on where you've been

          Our behaviour derives from the traits we inherit from our parents. This is half true as human brains are individual living creatures influenced by what you see, hear, sense and smell. You will be surprised to know that the capacity of the brain wasn't inbuilt since our birth. We learnt seeing, hearing and tasting through the lapse of time and by giving access to the neurons enclosed within the dark room to access the outside world so that it could practise and become used to senses. 

           While other animals are born with a pre-programmed brain, social animals have got it unfinished. A baby whale or a baby tortoise is pre-programmed to swim. A baby bird is already executing flight. A bear and its desire to hibernate are hardwired. The desire to hibernate comes naturally despite the environment it lives in. 

            A young human brain with unfinished programming is ready to make synapses by connecting two neurons. This happens through the actions a child performs using its senses. This has been proved in a test with two cats. Inside a cylinder, with vertical stripes, the first cat walked while the second one was carried on a pagola. The one which walked itself learned to see properly. Similarly, babies cribble, touch their cheek toes and play with blocks. Their brains train up getting exposed to such explorations.

 As the baby reaches the age of two, its brain had made nearly a hundred trillion synapses (double the number of synapses an adult has). This is the secret behind variation in individuality among the human class. You differ by the way your cells connect with each other. This also leads to discriminatory perspectives.

You become who you are not because of what grows in your brain but because of what is removed.

           Now when the neurons are participants of synapses which are trillion in number, this web should be trimmed off. You may see an infant acting completely alien sometimes. As time passes the child is taught walking, writing, reading and most importantly - talking. This is the result of trimming off the synapses which are unnecessary. Gradually, child practices - synapses strengthen and the weaker ones ultimately vanish from the neural network.

          "Our local environment refines our brain, taking the jungle of possibilities and shaping it back to correspond to what we're exposed to. Our brains form fewer but stronger connections."

Does your individuality change with age?

            David Eagleman - a neurologist says "You are different personalities at different ages". Just imagine a flag of a country. This flag to a grown-up reminds him of the news he could relate to or some past memories when he visited the country. For an infant, it's merely a piece of cloth and some incomprehensible colour patterns drawn on it. This shows that you carry your history and identity but your personality keeps changing with time.

           The human brain is resilient. So, if any time you feel dumb or stupid; roll a die and start training your brain. Because personality is all about perspective and not the external look. You can be a survivor of darkness and still differ from the bright ambience of your point of thinking. 

How to activate your Brain

         If you are a teenager or a grown-up and feel completely useless and depressed; here's some advise 'Don't fall into the trap of the dark room of neurons mounted on your head.' 

          Neurologists proved that loneliness, anxiety, depression and proneness decline the cognitive sense of your brain. So, the more you get involved with the sorrows you will make your brain perform weaker in all aspects of life. 

          To activate your brain you ought to 

1. Solve crossword puzzles or indulge in a safe game (not addiction-prone). 

2. Read new books on psychology or the brain.

You can also opt for the books of your interest. As thoughts about Universe increase the broadness of the mind, I would suggest you that. Because before such a vast universe, your problems would look small to you.

3. Driving

Driving can train your brain to focus on the situation ahead and not linger on past mistakes and problems. You become unstoppable when you train your brain to get used to cognitive thinking.

4. Learning new skills

A skill learnt never goes wasted.

 Learning helps in building positive synapses strong. Skill is important to be financially robust, physically satisfied and mentally fit.

5. Having Responsibility

If you are an Indian you might have been familiar with the belief system of Indian parents that marriage is the first step to settlement. Responsibility makes you cognitively active in the sequence pushing you to strongly hold your mental fitness.

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